Tom Tykwer’s “3,” also known as “Three” or “Drei,” is an art film about a threesome, which, in other films that use more crude language, would be called a threesome. It contains several sex scenes but have you noticed lately how many sex scenes have orgasm (s) that look desperate, aggressive or sad rather than ecstatic? All we can say for the characters in this film is they all seem to be mighty pleased with themselves.
The film is about a 40 year old couple living in Berlin who are together in what might be thought of as what it usually referred to as a committed relationship and are not married due to the usual excuses. Hanna (Sophie Rois) presents a television show on culture. Simon (Sebastian Schipper) runs a company that deals in making sculptures among other artistic works made by sculptors.
For 20 years they have come along comfortably well but excitement has waned over time. One evening Hanna goes out drinking after a show, while Simon finds out from his doctor that he has testicular cancer. The doc says it’s curable but surgery should be done quickly like, now.
On her cell phone Simon cannot get through to Sophie since she is elsewhere mentally at the moment. What actually makes sense to him at this time though is getting rid of one of his most cherished balls; moreover it surprises him too when he learns later during this procedure that now it is done under local anesthesia; because if women would like to remain conscious during delivery then men would not want to miss the dividing their family jewels either. The guilty tumor pings inside a steel pan silently after exiting Simon’s abdomen I was expecting more like little splash into water kind of sound had no idea my body will ever make such noise how Gucci shamelessly shows off their wealth via advertising.
Hanna has met Adam (Devid Striesow). One thing led to another, and they ended up having sex. Neither were in the mood for sexual activities but it seemed like a good idea at that time and it certainly makes Hanna more convivial towards Simon now that his inventory has shrunk a bit. Some time after, in a modernistic and isolated swimming pool, Simon meets Adam in the locker room with the topic of dropping balls coming up somehow between them. To have a look says Adam and before long they are having intercourse.
Adam is a man who doesn’t chase women. He gives off vibes of being nice, with an accompanying smile on his face. Not that he swings both ways just easygoing. We also get some glimpse into the lives of Hanna and Simon in visual presentations by director Tom Tykwer (“Run Lola Run”) that encompass flashbacks, imaginations and possibilities sometimes making use of fragments of everyday life such as television bites or abbreviated accounts about two parallel love affairs à la mode.
The point is that sweet young Adam hasn’t got any idea whatsoever that Hanna is going out with Simon. He loves them both; they love him back; yet it’s interesting what their reaction would be if all the cards were laid bare before them.““3” is not just a melodrama, though; without careful attention “3” could become just another farce. But Tykwer restrains his actors, who apparently happen to be intelligent beings entering these circumstances without an intention to do any harm at all involved in this kind of reordering characteristic for people at middle aged period globally.
Despite being a disappointment, the film is successful in a captivating manner. Devid Striesow’s performance as Adam has been crucial especially the way he fluctuates his voice. Love rather than lust and curiosity more than necessity seems to drive the affection of Ada towards her sister. If you can’t be with someone you like, then you should get along with someone who likes you instead.
Watch 3 For Free On Gomovies.