Are you looking for a movie review? Do you need help finding something to watch tonight? Fear not because Rogue is here. I’ve always liked action movies and this one is no exception. Although I would say most of them are brainless, they’re still really fun to watch. When people go to the movies, they expect to be entertained. This is exactly what the film does.
Samantha O’Hara leads her team of mercenaries on a mission to rescue a governor’s daughter only to find out that the kidnappers are human traffickers. Their chopper gets shot down during their escape so they have to take cover for the night until they can contact another extraction team. While searching for shelter, Samantha stumbles upon an empty lion farm where she finds two bodies leading her to believe that the lions escaped, but what she doesn’t know is one of them stayed behind and it’s hungry. Now Sam must keep her team ahead of the pursuing traffickers while avoiding the bloodthirsty lion.
It seems like movies with endangered animals are becoming more popular lately; just last year we had Primal which was about a big game hunter stuck between escaped animals and a fugitive. But where Rogue differs from those films is that as we watch it we slowly start realizing that this movie is trying raise awareness about captive lions and shut these farms down. It’s awesome idea and who knows it might actually work because you never know what will inspire people.
So getting into this film I felt like there were equal amounts good parts and bad parts throughout it so let’s just get all the negatives out first since there’s less of them. The biggest error in my opinion came after the rescue when crossing ankle deep river and rescued girl gets attacked by crocodile yes I said ankle deep now.
I’m sorry but if your gonna put crocodile in movie at least make sure it’s believable cause having one jump up snatch someone then disappear back into water is just crazy all that does eye roll not shock next issue I had was with CGI now obviously main lion doing attacking is gonna be CGI there’s no way any studio would put their actors in harms way by trying to simulate animal attacks but problem here is that the CGI looks really fake and takes you out of moment it’s not laughable like lake placid legacy or anything but still pretty shoddy my third final issue continuity not story effect there are few post attack moments where I was rather let down practical effects one moment shows body that appears barely harmed aside from throat but then later Samantha says he was “torn pieces” no he wasn’t another attack leaves man with perfect squares cut into his arm rather than claw marks hmm and another moment we can see someone who supposed dead still breathing almost chuckled this just seems like passion project with poor execution.
Let’s look at some positive points after too much negativity. My first good point is about the lion attacks. They actually show a lion following its prey and going for the throat, which they really do. It appears that Michael J. Bassett, the director, has done his homework on how lions hunt good job! The next thing I liked was Megan Fox as the star of this movie. It was such a breath of fresh air seeing her play a character who wasn’t just another sex symbol or eye candy; she held her own and showed us that there’s more than meets the eye with this woman.
In summary, it was an okay film. Like I said earlier in my review, it’s not amazing but it’s not terrible either just average. This is one fun hour-and-a-half-long movie where they take on real-world problems while still giving us an entertaining story so I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it because I did! However, there are many other things that could be recommended before this one.
Watch Rouge For Free On Gomovies.