A love facing great awkwardness
Adam seems to be a young woman’s ideal man in almost every way: he is good looking, an engineer, has a large and comfortable apartment, loves astronomy, and is knowledgeable about many things. Nevertheless, he has Asperger’s syndrome. Beth has never met anyone like him. His social interaction is honest to the point of being cruel without seeming to realize as much.
Beth herself might not seem like the most likely candidate for “Adam,” a romantic yarn about this odd couple. It might take an even less sociable man than he to bring out her mothering instinct. He only succeeds in offending her with his mystifying objectivity at first. Then he says those three words: “I have Asperger’s.” If she knows what that means, it would be surprising if she hasn’t already reached that conclusion on her own.
Asperger’s is sometimes called high functioning autism; some people argue that there are no similarities between these two conditions at all though they are both within a spectrum disorder category. The syndrome creates individuals who can function quite well intellectually but lack typical social skills or understanding. Adam (played by Hugh Dancy) doesn’t know when he ought to say “ooh” or “aah” as soon as someone shows off their cute baby.
However, something rather puzzling happens when he meets Beth (Rose Byrne). In fact what is this? it seems like he may even have sexual feelings towards another person for perhaps the very first time in his life! This touches Beth deeply because Adam’s condition allows her break free from self absorption which she doesn’t often do since usually other people don’t matter to her so much unless they’re useful somehow or another comes into play with them personally involved.
She gives him helpful tips before facing tough interviews such as try looking into Interviewer eyes while answering Questions show interest during conversation instead going through your data dumping motions like this is another science lecture. Look like want job.
She’s almost coaching him how to act around herself one form of therapy for people with Asperger’s. He responds too slow and odd, often doing things that make her mad. Yet somehow their situation creates a bittersweet relationship in the movie, though why she sticks with him I don’t know but it’s good question.
Beth’s parents are also part of the plot: Marty and Rebecca (Peter Gallagher & Amy Irving). They worry because first she dumps a nice guy then brings Adam home; additionally there’s some legal action against Marty who works as an accountant over misuse/misrepresentation charges involving client funds which leads into courtroom scenes I’m not sure really relate to main story line.
Except for Beth, Harlan (Frankie Faison) seems to be Adam’s only friend in all world. This old buddy drives around town giving lifts, eating lunch together occasionally having talks over coffee etc., he just “gets” his pal without any questions asked essential for someone like Adam who feels so alone most times yet doesn’t recognize extent being so dependent on others especially this particular individual.
The movie’s ending is like a storybook literally, coming from a children’s book that Beth wrote. It is not known how long their fairy tale will last. “Adam” ties everything up too neatly and tries too hard to find the positive in such a dark situation, instead of reflecting more deeply on it as an opportunity for growth.
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