About Schmidt
Warren Schmidt does not have wealth. He lacks intellectual curiosity. He might never have read a book for pleasure in his whole life. His dwelling is filled with her wife’s collections, each item still in its original display case. On the day he retires, he finds himself with nothing but time on his hands.
He has held a position that could have been performed by anyone or possibly no one at all for as long as he can remember. He stops by the office to see if there are any questions the new guy has, but there aren’t any. In all the years Warren Schmidt has worked, not one bit of information has he gained which would be helpful to his replacement.
“Most men,” said Thoreau famously, “lead lives of quiet desperation.” Schmidt is such a man. Jack Nicholson is not such a man; he has a reputation for being full of life and zest for living. It is something of an act of self abnegation that allows Nicholson to be inside Schmidt and make him alive and sad at once. It would be incorrect to say that Nicholson disappears into this character because you can always see him but then again who doesn’t love watching jack so it’s whatever i guess? The most watchable actor ever? Yeah right! Its more like The least watchable actor ever! What movie was i talking about again?
About Schmidt does not tell the story of a man going on a journey to find himself because there isn’t anyone else out there like him! When Schmidt gets into his 35-foot Winnebago Adventurer the one he thought he’d use when retired it’s not curiosity that drives him; it’s desperation: nowhere else left!!
The beginning scenes show him sitting through on pointless retirement dinner before returning home and asking after forty-two years married “Who this old woman my house?” She might ask same thing about her husband though too much time spent together is bound make anyone wonder won’t it? They were always so obedient and dutiful; he worked for the Woodmen Life Insurance Company in Omaha as an actuary while she stayed at home taking care of children (3 girls 1 boy). Now that corporate world no longer needs their services what are they supposed do now?
Helen (June Squibb) tries cheer up–she even brings breakfast into Adventurer next morning but it’s hard be happy when there’s no reason for being! Then Helen dies. Warren doesn’t know what to feel other than shocked and empty, not because he realizes how much he loves her but rather because he didn’t love her enough before she died. He didn’t know how plan for after retirement because all these years has never needed one, till now.
The movie would never work if its protagonist were Schmidt; two hours of Nicholson playing such a limited character would be unbearable. Luckily About Schmidt gets him out on the road which is just like when young Jack went across country with Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider except this time they’re looking for something real instead of drugs. And where does Warren find it? At his daughter’s wedding to some stupid loser who everybody knows isn’t good enough for her!
The daughter and the family she is marrying into are the source of most of the humor in the film. The new in-laws of Schmidt include Randall Hertzel (Dermot Mulroney), a water-bed salesman and promoter of pyramid schemes, and his mother Roberta (Kathy Bates), who embraces the life force with a bone-crushing squeeze. Schmidt finds himself wrestling with a water bed, which he has hardly has a surprise in 40 years, now. In addition to that, joined by Roberta topless in a hot tub that terrifies him because it makes her seem too available.
However much she is intended as a figure of fun, at least Roberta approaches life hungrily and with good cheer. This woman has an outsize charm and personality; this may be one of Kathy Bates’ best performances yet. She could easily win you over with her wit or make you impatient with how quickly she switches to anger from any other emotion if given half a chance.
Schmidt does not have many relationships where he can spill out his fears or discontents. “Adopting” a Tanzanian world childrens charity 6-year-old named Ndugu after seeing it on TV is one way for him to do so. Long confessional letters are written after he was told to write them to the boy. Maybe he thinks Ndugu can read them, maybe understand them but surely Schmidt just wants someone else besides himself hear what he says.
“About Schmidt” shows us nothing more than an ordinary guy struggling through life cluelessly trying not only cope but understand those around him better too! Jack Nicholson’s portrayal here really makes you feel like there’s hope left even when all seems lost because nobody else could’ve done justice quite like Jack did? It was awe-inspiring watching such different people portrayed by one man especially since we’re talking about our favorite actor ever Mr.John Joseph Nicholson!
The so-called comedy “About Schmidt” is funny only when Jack Nicholson does something as Warren Schmidt. The same can be said for some of his adventures, but deep down it’s tragic. In a mobile home camp, a woman who hardly knows him tells Schmidt “I see inside of you sad man”. Most teenagers will probably not be drawn to this movie, but they should attend. Let it be a lesson to them.
They could end up like Schmidt, dead in the water if they define their lives only in terms of a good job and paycheck and comfortable suburban existence. That crazy English teacher might start getting through to them and they should pay attention!
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