All We Carry/Lo Que Llevamos
What does it feel like to be faced by heartless thugs, and discover that the same people pay off the police? There are individuals in America who know this too well but most of us don’t. Even for those who do, they can always leave town and start over somewhere else in the country; but not when gangs have taken over everywhere in your nation.
The story follows a young couple Mirna, Magdiel and their little boy Joshua- as they travel through Mexico via a freight train called “The Beast” (because of its danger) and bus to Tijuana, then the U.S. border in a migrant caravan from gang-infested Honduras. There they get married near Trump’s forbidding wall and eventually make it through customs seeking asylum; these are lucky ones: they have a sponsor a Jewish Synagogue in West Seattle, Washington- so are let in with an asylum adjudication date two years hence.
In Seattle these good-hearted souls put them up house at an enchanting spot overlooking Puget Sound complete with furniture clothing etc donated from the community – nothing short of life changing for this small family fleeing death / threat thereabouts coming from such humble beginnings.
Director-writer Cady Voge captures people’s struggle to find safety after fleeing unbearable terror route towards sanctuary within US borders where we remain relatively secure compared to other places around earth right now; her directorial debut sets out not just immigrants’ journey but also waiting game before asylum decision is announced which takes toll on mental health of those seeking refuge here as they tend to bear heavy psychological baggage while frequently stigmatized by our elected representatives as worthless individuals dragging down society thus giving name All We Carry.
This is not preachy film rather it focuses on physical & emotional change undergone by young couple building family after almost losing everything including their lives back home; no one gets blamed maybe story would’ve benefited more had viewer been made aware about these characters’ pain from onset during 127 minutes that make up this movie but alas! it’s too late now since we learn nothing about what happens next for them once decision has been made regarding their plea for protection as well wider details around why still in Honduras do they decide run away. All such points could have added depth and complexity to the narrative.
We are however told that shortly after Joshua was born Magdiel’s father got killed hence his deep longing for advice from him which he never had a chance of receiving; also Mirna’s brother fell victim to drug cartels hitmen who went on hunting spree against members leaving entire household under constant threat therefore both parents grapple with grief plus anxiety these things they carry.
Cady Voge has done an outstanding job here with her debut effort and I can’t wait see more of what she does in future because clearly there is talent within this lady filmmaker.
Watch All We Carry/Lo Que Llevamos For Free On Gomovies.