American Warships
These are the actual films that are sent to me for reviews as I am one of the members of The Asylum mailing list. Someone involved with the studio would never give a film such a damning review. But still, I give some credit to The Asylum, because they have limited resources and often only a two week shoot around time with novice actors in most cases.
It’s out in the news, the lawsuit involving The Asylum and the mega hit Battleship Movie. The Asylum did change the title to American Warships, but they had originally called it American Battleship.
Now look at the Review, there’s no point in writing at great length because the movie Airs on SyFY Saturday night May 19 at 9 pm EST, there are some dramatic plot points and I don’t want to give them away.
American Warships is simply a step forward for The Asylum, the CGI of this movie is pretty decent, by low budget standards of course, not at all annoying. I am basing this strictly on lower budget standards, as many asylum films and other lower budget films have much poorer often times wrenching 80s technology CGI.
The acting ranges from average to decent with Mario Van Peebles (Capt. Winston), Carl Weathers (General McKraken), and Johanna Watts (LT Bradley) as the most outstanding when it comes to their roles, but awards will not be coming out anytime soon. I am, to be honest, a white male and I tend to enjoy multi-ethnic casts in films. It’s good to see some veteran actors, who have now grown old, still kick ass on set.
The main idea, just like in the big production, remains the same as the movie plot. The Aliens and the navy fighting them, the filming took place in Wilmington NC, and the shooting schedule was limited, but for what they came up with the end result is highly watchable.
In general, I would rate this American Warships movie a 7 out of 10 it is a very good performance and it is definitely worth a watch, yes there are a few issues with some distractions as you watch, but, do watch it! And also the original version that had a budget 1,000 times that of this movie! The two films can sweetheart equally attract, American Battleships is the current existing film that acts as an inspiration that self funded film makers are able to create something interesting.
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