Axel Falcon
Axel Falcon is a movie directed by Bazz Hancher, who previously directed Hate Little Rabbit. The story tells about childhood, magic and revenge. We can see Axel and Jake at the beginning of the film when they were two innocent boys who are supposed to be the warriors of light fighting against dark forces. Their quiet life was disturbed by a harpy/vampire that Jake met in the wood one day while playing near it.
Some years later, in nowadays’ city there appears Richard Teasdale (Getting Away with Murder?) as a tough detective named Axel Falcon whose aim is not only to destroy crime but also corruption which has grown within this city over time. But after his family had been killed by one of Davro’s henchmen sinister character played by William Stafford (The Pocket Film of Superstitions) that looks nothing like evil because wears shaggy wig and bowler hat everything changes for him.
In addition to grief-stricken depression where he loses himself among other things going on around him such as Laura Liptrot, police chief secretly in love with Axel who becomes trapped between her feelings for him and her involvement with villainous Davro as well as finding out about many colleagues being bought off by same man whom she now works closely alongside every day hiding behind uniformed facade.
Eventually discovering more secrets surrounding what happened to his relatives during investigation into their murder deaths reveals shocking fact: most members comprising entire police force including top brass are dirty cops paid agents under control of said criminal mastermind therefore putting faith into justice system means nothing anymore forcing main character seek personal satisfaction against antagonist through any means necessary regardless cost involved like using firearm combined determination vengeance etcetera.
Throughout this story full stop tension silly humor gore mixed together creating unique ’80s style workout sequence where person lifts weights while having fun doing so shared audience experience laughter still having epic musical songs playing background representing seriousness moments connected directly with hero’s journey looking for truth behind loved ones’ killing spree therefore leading us into thinking that acting throughout deserves some awards.
In fact, Severed Cinema’s very own Jay Creepy (Beyond Fury) makes an appearance here as one of Bosta’s thugs scary henchman who is later killed due to mistake made earlier on while carrying out orders from boss which ultimately results in him being murdered alongside girlfriend Winter played Willow Brian (White Gardenia: The King James Bible) thus pushing Axel further beyond his limits forcing him close down heavily fortified enemy stronghold so as to finally put end all these evil doings once and forever.
At same time sorcerers appear trying test will power against self-proclaimed magician known Davro who laughs like mad person every time somebody dies around him during period chaos carnage reigns supreme including awesome eyeball torture scene but at certain times within movie where gangster genre meets vampire lore seems bit off place together until it reaches halfway point where everything starts coming back together again before transitioning into half silly finale that may not sit well everyone due its over the top nature feels forced this script should have been re-written more subtly less goofy however despite these shortcomings there still remains lot heart within Axel Falcon making incredibly entertaining watch filled cheese action thrilling characters especially when there appears super cool Cyclopes android supervillain steals show.
The making of Axel Falcon encountered many problems that were documented in Darkly Took the Light. The team had to face a lot of misfortunes which put their resilience and dedication towards the project to the test. In other words, things did not go well at all. Just as producer Michael Walcott finished Hate Little Rabbit he almost died from Covid-19 during post-production when it looked like there might be no more movies because of the pandemic anyway then at their first screening ever a lady ran out screaming and director Bazz Hancher got attacked out front by some stranger so yeah shit was fucked up.
To make matters worse, several people surrounding this film died tragically too adding more sadness and chaos onto an already chaotic shoot but still through everything everybody who worked on or with this movie never stopped working hard until they finished it because even though everything sucked we were all determined to see our vision come true no matter what happened along the way.
Watch Axel Falcon For Free On Gomovies.