Bad Company (2002)


“Bad Company,” produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, is a movie that adds to the category of movies focusing on an American city facing the threat of a stolen nuclear bomb. Following his first attempt at “The Sum of All Fears,” Bruckheimer is now focused on action comedy films. This film is set before the 9/11 attack, the movie received a lot of criticism and therefore it’s release was postponed from Autumn 2001. The Supremacy of all Fears is Feeble in dealing with the issue which is thankfully managed by Jerry in his humorous approach about nuclear terrorism in Bad Company.

Essentially, the McGuffin is the nuclear device. It could be anything else so long as it is desired by the bad guys and restrained from them by the good guys. The movie is a fusion of three enduring genres; Misfit Partners, Fish Out of Water and Mistaken Identity. After an opening scene that features the chriss Rock character being killed, we are introduced to his twin brother, Jake Hayes. The two were separated at birth and had no knowledge of each other’s existence. The first one was adopted by rich parents, attended the tops schools in the country, and joined the CIA. Together with her boyfriend, a ticket scalper and a chess hustler, Jake is in love with a nursing student (Kerry Washington).

One flaw in the movie by Joel Schumacher is the excessive number of crafted plot points which the film incorporates within the time boundaries. Take the training sequence for example, where Rock only has nine days to master the mannerisms and learn everything he can from his deceased brother. These coaching sessions where he’s suppose to learn to identify good wines and grade antique cognacs are quite odd is he meant to be sitting with the terrorists? In the meantime, he is supposed to be learning Czech from a dictionary that has been thrown on the bunk.

In the CIA, his caretaker is Gaylord Oakes whom is played by Anthony Hopkins and he is very composed and a veteran operative. His intention here is to replace this twin with the other one during a operation to purchase a stolen nuclear bomb. When another potential buyer comes, the movie goes into a series of car chase scenes, which are relatively well choreographed but there are too many of them in the movie.

Hopkins chooses a middle ground, serious and hard-edged. Rock displays effectiveness in straight scenes, but at other times goes into a monologue which is amusing and highly unlikely as he’s getting shot at. The strategy of the movie is every sequence is self standing and there is no consideration to the overall tone of the film, meaning we start from deadly serious and end on parody.

With the rest of the plot, in combination with the stunts, special effects, and chases, with all that I can say is absolutely nothing. The two competing teams of wannabe evil bomb buyers exist solely to create endless range of guys that shoot machine guns, but rarely hit anything. The reason for exploding New York merits hardly a discussion. And am I to believe my eyes? In 2002, drawing another Red Digital Readout to countdown to 0.

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