Baise Moi

Baise Moi

Baise Moi

Baise Moi is (a) a French film that is violent and pornographic. Two women, one a rape victim and the other a prostitute, roam the countryside killing men. Or Baise Moi is (b) an effort to turn the tables on sexism in movies by allowing women to do more or less what men have been doing for years while making a direct connection between sex and guns, rather than the sublimated connection in most violent films.

I ask because I am unsure. Certainly most ordinary moviegoers will hate this film or would if they went to see it, which is unlikely to happen. It shifts from graphic explicit sex scenes to brutally cruel murder scenes. You cringe at what’s on screen; later you wonder what was in the filmmakers’ minds. They are French, so we know some ideology and rationalization must lurk beneath blood and semen.

Written and directed by Virginie Despentes from her novel, with Coralie Trinh Thi a porno actress as co-director (for visual strategy? or understanding of mechanical requirements on onscreen sex? who can say), the movie stars Manu and Nadine as played by Raffaella Anderson and Karen Bach; some of the men also come from hard core films. This is actually the kind of movie that the director in Boogie Nights wanted to make “porn but artistic” though he might have questioned box-office appeal for praying mantis sex (wherein male is killed immediately after copulation).

As it happens, I saw Japanese-American co-production Brother not long after seeing Baise Moi. Written and directed by Takeshi Kitano the man Beat Takeshi starred under his acting name is lean violent heartless action pictures master Kitano under any name; every five minutes or so a plot punctuated by bloodbath where many enemies get shot dead: dozens here; several dozen there; we’re talking about “Brother.”

In fact Billy Mott has not only left my brother alone with me but right now I’m trying really hard not having fun yet still managing somehow even though deep down inside somewhere underneath everything always lies hidden truth which cannot be told without sounding silly unless you try too hard then maybe just maybe something will happen but probably nothing special ever again until next time when perhaps things will change slightly over time becoming different enough so that eventually someone else might notice them as well thus proving once again how fickle life can be sometimes especially during those periods when people feel particularly bored out their minds due chiefly uneventful routine days followed immediately afterwards late night parties involving lots drinking music dancing etcetera.

All three types of films are obviously providing payoffs by clockwork precision: Would Brother be as depressing as Baise Moi if all victims had sex before being gunned down? Don’t know but I’m sure Baise Moi would’ve been perfectly acceptable even if women simply killed men no matter whether anything happened or not between them first at least once each time around though maybe twice depending upon circumstances like mood lighting temperature humidity wind direction etcetera looks bad because seems so cruel shoot guy right when he gets lucky however much case could made argue otherwise given facts stated above should probably leave alone except mention briefly raised stakes might want consider attacking sexism movies simultaneously while doing so besides totally irrelevant point anyway since.

Manu Nadine hate all males equally regardless whether they’ve slept together once twice thrice four times five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty times plus infinity plus one hundred thousand million billion trillion zillion gazillion times forever amen

A new American movie titled “Bully” has also been highly debated and deals with stupid, senseless murder, but at least it knows how to be witty about its characters. ”Baise Moi” is more of a bluff. The directors are aware that their film is too extreme for most people, but some will come up with intellectual justifications and interpretations for it which relieves them from having to clarify their point of view. I cannot accept this idea. Ernest Hemingway, who may have been a sexist pig himself as he was known for his womanizing ways, said something like this: If you feel good after doing something then it’s moral; if not then it’s immoral. Manu and Nadine don’t seem troubled by anything so they must be very bad indeed.

Watch Baise Moi For Free On Gomovies.

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