Bermondsey Tales: Fall of the Roman Empire Review

Mick Roman, the London godfather of crime, is very sick and he needs to choose his heir soon. He can only select between an old adviser or a young, erratic hitman who are not qualified for the job anyway. Meanwhile, a paranoid ex-soldier, an estranged niece and a drug-filled business meeting in Amsterdam wreak havoc with the family’s already chaotic existence. As deception, ambition and infighting escalate among them could this be the end of the Roman empire?
Movie Review
Bermondsey Tales: Fall of the Roman Empire is based on true events and tells the story of South London crime family The Romans led by Mick Roman. They find themselves up against infighting within their ranks as well as attention from ‘the cozzers’ (police) and other firms who want what they have built over many years putting everything at risk. Can they pull together one last time? Will it finally be their fall? This is Bermondsey like you’ve never seen it before!
Written and directed by Michael Head, who also stars as Henry in the film Bermondsey Tales: Fall of The Roman Empire follows several different characters each with their own subplots. Throughout there are comedy moments scattered amongst gritty drama which works very well for this type of movie; if anything though some viewers may feel that Bermondsey Tales: Fall of The Roman Empire works best when leaning into more comedic aspects rather than serious ones as such! It feels like a serial film with consecutive laughs.
One key selling point about Bermondsey Tales: Fall Of The Roman Empire has to be its cast, consisting mainly but not exclusively so far mainly British actors who have been in lots of big films previous to this one such as John Hannah, Frank Harper etc just too many names really to mention them all here but you get where I’m coming from right?! However out everyone involved I would say without doubt John Hannah steals most scenes playing ‘The Postman’; he really delivers (excuse the pun) some great lines throughout! David Schaal also deserves an honourable mention though for his portrayal of a very angry dad who only wants one thing protect Chloe , played by Eastenders actress Maisie Smith.
Filmed around London locations Bermondsey Tales. Fall Of The Roman Empire looks as it should do because lets face it gangster movies set in our capital always have that special quality about them don’t they? They’re usually pretty good too especially when done right like this one which definitely falls into category two mentioned above i.e.: good gangster movie with laughs thrown in for good measure!
To sum up then I would say that overall Bermondsey Tales: Fall Of The Roman Empire is another strong offering from director Michael Head, helped out no end by having such a good British cast involved; plus the nice touch of comedy throughout helps make what could be just another gritty gangster film into something more entertaining!!
Watch Bermondsey Tales: Fall of the Roman For Free On Gomovies.