When I first looked at the DVD cover I was sure that I could easily mock this movie till the very end. However, I was wrong. Dead Heist is the complete opposite from those direct to video pieces of trash that spend 75% of their budget on fancy cover art to attract viewers yet succeed to waste two hours of their life, neglecting the sensational pleasantries of life and raising the greater question of ‘WHY, GOD, WHY DID I RENT THIS HERETICAL ABERRATION OF NATURE?!’On the other hand, instead of Dead Heist spending scraps of money on artwork and being dull, they released a product that was remarkably engaging. (For starters, the name is a tough sell. I’d vote for Freaks Come Out at Night.)
D.J. Naylor, who bears a striking resemblance to Vin Diesel’s physique and racial features, plays Jackson, the personal guard to Bone Crusher (you guessed it, Bone Crusher), who is tired of the ‘game,’ but he is called back for another round by Hustle (E-40 who is now knocking the chubby rapper limits dangerously deep into Urban Menace). Jackson’s character is intriguingly vague. The task at hand for Jackson is to simply guard the robbery of a rural bank being pulled off by a group of punks. Malcolm played by Dominic Santana, Chris Bailey’s Bone, Michael Braxton’s Trey, and Ski Brandon Hardin, the ringleader of the gang, whose only tactic is, “We just go in, grab everything and run out!” Surely this is a foolproof plan What could possibly go wrong?
For some reasons, these dimwits had picked a night when a huge crowd of genetically tampered zombie and vampire beasts were rampaging in town. The good news is that they are not blockaded in the bank with the cops surrounding them. The bad news is, the vamps have now sealed them inside the bank.
You shouldn’t fret, because Big Daddy Kane has arrived! BDK, whose involvement in Madonna’s Sex book has proved difficult to live down, appears in the movie as an unnamed character. BDK portrays a former military official involved in the aforementioned experiment. So what actually transpired? Unlike in the previous accounts, the end goal for the government was to create blood, and what resulted from the experiment were night dwelling, pack hunting, vampire-like creatures that could only be exterminated by a bullet through the heart. It’s a different take on zombies, for sure, and rather similar to the 28 Days Later depiction: full of rage and the inclination to run.
It’s now up to the female hostage including a cop named Kate (also referred to as T-Love) along with the bank robbers to now team up and fight for their lives. Fortunately, the kids that were bothering them throughout the while drama were not the protagonists in this story. While, Naylor, the star of the show has an unusual voice, hefty nipples and a bit too much self-confidence, which can be distracting during the movie. However, he and Big Daddy Kane did a lot better than before, or at least that’s what people who saw them in Posse would think. The entire cast did a fine job and especially performed well when being compared to the typical urban DTV horror.
The studio sets like the real bank and the apartment of the second assistant director show how the budget from the make up, story and the direction was solid. With a decent budget the were able to hire over hundred zombies, which is a good sign. Dead Heist is an 80 minute movie that needed more plot twists to spice things up and keep people entertained. But there created a lot of “suffering” in the audience therefore it is better to leave them wanting more than begging for less.
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