Gaga Chromatica Ball Review

Concert films are a dime a dozen. Many artists use this easy way to make money from an event they are already doing. What makes an exceptional concert film different from an average one is the quality of the music and the strength of the live show. So roll out the red carpet for Mother Monster, Lady Gaga, as she finally brings her long-awaited Chromatica Ball to the world. Recorded at Dodgers Stadium in California, in front of 52,000 monsters, this outrageously epic concert encompasses multiple eras of Gaga’s music in a visually stunning love letter to her vast catalogue.
On a personal level, I have been a big fan of Lady Gaga for over a decade. My first concert ever was Jingle Ball 2008 where Lady Gaga opened and performed her only hit song at that time, “Just Dance.” Little did I know years later I would be waiting overnight to see her perform on Good Morning America in Central Park. I still remember where I was when Gaga’s first American Horror Story promo dropped. Her 2020 album Chromatica became my comfort album while my mom went through pancreatic cancer treatments so yes, you could say I am absolutely the target demo for this filmed concert. Unfortunately due to circumstances outside of my control, i have never been able to attend a proper Lady Gaga tour in a stadium with all the flashy effects but now thanks to Gaga herself every fan has a front row ticket to her most ambitious show yet.
But what about the movie itself? Directed by Lady Gaga herself who stamps her vision with brazen love for art seamless editing punctuates live music energy trippy visuals/projection/strobing lights/flashy pyrotechnics/intricate dance moves everything has been cherry picked here to make sure this Chromatica Ball is one of gaga’s best ever seen. The concert is broken up into four distinct acts all leading up to one crazy finale. While a few staples may be absent here (“Papparazzi,” “You and I”) Chromatica Ball gets an awful lot right about what a dream Gaga setlist would consist of nice deeper cuts included. An explosive start with “Bad Romance” sets the tone for the night, yet there’s really no preparing for what comes next.
The full catwalk gets used along with a constantly changing set and multiple costume changes to add an extra burst of pizzaz. Bizarre Chromatica interludes carry us over into different parts of the show. Onscreen visuals blend with the images such as effects during “Telephone.” Gaga’s flawless vocals are matched by stunning stage design; the stage itself is a constantly moving tapestry of beauty. Big booming instrumentals each have their moment to shine “Babylon” serves as an iconic gold-tinged highlight
There is no way that Gaga’s greatest hits variety show could have been any better. She jumps effortlessly from the fun of “Sour Candy” to the empowerment anthem “Free Woman.” When she gets behind a piano, she soars. I was bawling by the time she started belting out “Angel Down.” It can be tricky for artists to talk about important things during concerts without turning it into a pep talk, but Gaga manages to integrate her feelings naturally. She asks everyone to “celebrate your pride,” and makes “Born This Way” a huge part of the show, as it should be. As straightforward as most of the footage may seem on paper, every single frame has been filtered through Gaga’s personality. It paints an intimate picture of Mother Monster without needing any talking head interviews. She has the ability to speak directly through her music that only some performers ever really figure out how to use.
There’s no narrative here, at all: Gaga Chromatica Ball is strictly a concert movie, and it feels like you’re there with thousands of other Monsters in person. Before watching this, I wondered how well people who weren’t already fans would connect with it then again, if you have even a passing interest in her sound or persona, you’re probably who they made this for. A concert movie isn’t so much about getting new fans from nowhere as it is giving back to the people who’ve loved Gaga since day one (and didn’t get a chance to see this particular tour). Whether wiping away tears or screaming along with every song from my couch, I had an absolute blast.
Watch Gaga Chromatica Ball For Free On Gomovies.