King Of The Lost World
Next we look at American producers of giant monster movies, and, in this case, we can mention Leigh Scott’s King of the Lost World, created by The Asylum. A passenger plane meets with an accident and then crashes on an isolated tropical island (Ah, I get how the original idea for Lost came into being). Luckily, the majority of the crew and the passengers manage to stay alive. The pilots weren’t so lucky though. As these do seek out for food and shelter, a little group breaks off looking out for the missing cockpit in search of the truth of the incident.
The missing tires of this cockpit are on an adventure which is led by Ed (Jeff Denton) and John (Rhett Giles) with a stewardess Natalie (Amanda Ward) and passengers Rita (Sarah Lieving) and Dana (Christina Rosenberg). As they carry on their work, the squad triads on a search and manages to find a crashed military aircraft, spiders as large as one tone in weight, and dragon-like creatures. Wait a moment; isn’t it also possible to see an enormous area where the trees were cut down and the footprints of some gigantic creature?
Tensions run high on board when Lt. Challenger (Bruce Boxleitner) comes onboard with his own agenda, which immediately puts him under suspicion. As the crew settles down for the night, they all suddenly find themselves captured by tribal conductors. The women are seen as potential candidates for the chief’s marital harem. The wives are forced into compliance through drugging while the husbands are offered up to the island dragon and the brutal giant monkey.
King of the Lost World is a completely free interpretation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World and does not even come near to the 1925 silent movie. Leigh Scott’s entry is the worst entry in our series on giant monsters. First, it makes the error of being a tale about plane crash survivors and their survival. We watch in anticipation for the lizard vs lizard showdown, not a buxom melodrama. Unfortunately, however, Booth feels out the scant portions of these monsters to only add a degree of panic.
Here the monsters are computer-generated huge insects, high flying dragons and an ape resembling Kong. The actual monster models are not that bad, but the movie does poorly in integrating the animated monsters with the live actors in most cases very few split screen effects are ever utilized .Most sharp visuals are achieved through the near explosion montages whenever a monster attacks.
As a matter of fact, most of the monsters’ appearances barely cross the second mark just a few exceptions as opposed to a long drawn fight scenes in the original The Lost World. I truly get it as CG animation was low quality even during its time but still required high costs especially during the year of release for the film 2005.
To demonstrate how the King of the Lost World begins, the emphasis seems to rest on the accounts of the survivors; however, it confuses the viewer. We only have a fight for survival as the only story. The audience never feels that connection to the people on screen as that is what good character development always is all about.
The splinter faction is composed of mostly good-looking and stereotypical characters who are all stunning however they don’t have the most interesting of traits. The individuals are remarkably dull, to put it lightly. As much as you want to believe otherwise they are all interchangeable and uncreative by design. What I suppose is the case here is that there is a fair bit of beauty in the narrative and the people yet nothing interesting at all.
In conclusion, I would say that the sets and the location appealed me. It looks like it was filmed in Hawaii, which is beautiful. There were some indie effects present to make the plane crash scene look convincing and in its own way, it worked. Still a good scene. Unfortunately, King of the Lost World turned out to be an overall weak story with a failure to evolve or explore the monster part appropriately in the end.
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