Labyrinth was a fantasy cult classic of Jim Henson that starred David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. Sarah, a teenager forced to babysit yet again on a weekend, is the main character in this movie. This time, she gets really fed up with her life and calls upon goblins from another world to take away her baby step brother Toby while using her active imagination. When her wish actually comes true and Jareth the Goblin King whisks him off to his castle beyond an impossible labyrinth, she asks if he will give him back after she solves it for him. Will Sarah save Toby from being trapped forever in some fantastical dimension or will she pine away there herself for eternity?
David Bowie acts as though he owns every scene in which he appears: not only does his captivating presence fill the screen with life but also his performance proves compelling even when it is intimidating. The threat posed by Jareth lies not so much in any physical harm he might do to Sarah as rather through his sheer attractivity as an older man who can offer any pubescent girl what she wants most dearly. What’s more, these songs rock; they make everything seem better somehow like we’re watching one big surrealistic opera instead of just another 80s kids’ adventure flick set underground among monsters ruled over by muppets wearing wigs made out of feathers! Without this soundtrack there would be no soul left for Labyrinth.
As far as I’m concerned though? The best thing about Labyrinth has got be its originality because every single set piece costume muppet whatever you want to call them is so damn unique looking plus they all belong together somehow creating this whole new universe which cannot ever be duplicated again in our lifetimes let alone twice or thrice over like Star Wars sequels tend do nowadays… It’s almost like someone took your favorite fairy tales mixed them up with ancient Greek mythology threw few modern artists such as M.C. Escher into blender then poured result out onto floor for you walk around through; that’s right we’re talking about Jareth’s ever-changing labyrinth ain’t no straight lines here baby!
What really got me thinking was Sarah because it seemed like she represented those of us who are currently somewhere between the ages 13-19 and trying hard not lose sight what makes life worth living while also realizing that there is whole lot more going on behind scenes than just good vs evil… I mean, yes her journey from start finish does involve lot running away from weird things towards other even weirder ones but still… there much deeper message hidden beneath surface level nonsense which every single one these films seems have so let’s see if can’t find ourselves along way shall we? She starts off all naïve thinking everything will work itself out in end like some kind fairytale princess – but by god didn’t take long before she learned otherwise! Sally grew up fast once those pages came alive huh?
Just as Sarah does, we can also unleash our potentials to pave our own ways in life even if others try to impose their ways on us, especially when there are monsters at every turn of the way. And that’s why this 80s movie time capsule is not only a delightfully enchanting and thrilling experience for viewers, but it will forever remain connected with the wild ride called being human.
Watch Labyrinth For Free On Gomovies.