Lost in the Shuffle
Canadian magician Shawn Farquhar used to do bigger tricks and illusions but after retiring from his performing career, he decided to do smaller ones. Currently, the trickster works with slight of hand using a deck of cards which he calls the ‘Swiss army knife of magic’.
It was when he started closely examining the pictures on the playing cards that his curiosity was aroused. Although essentially constant in their portrayal throughout history and across cultures, they still seemed to have something peculiar about them. Why does the Queen of Spades face in opposite direction to all other queens? Who is that King of Hearts shown holding a sword against his own neck?
Farquhar sets out to solve a five centuries-old puzzle. He then wants to reveal what he believes is hidden in those cards about French royalty through one long trick based on plots by other magicians who have influenced him.
He must be careful not only to keep historians interested, who disagree with him at every turn, but also interview other magic enthusiasts who only want talk about their favorite tricks; though charismatic and always meticulous thanks years spent entertaining none has ever presented anything concrete enough back up anything said yet they always leave feeling convinced.he knows it’s just an idea.
Lost in the Shuffle feels like something you might find on History Channel on rainy Sunday afternoon not entirely satisfying or balanced account (interviews sometimes feel too long)of how playing cards came into being, how they have been used throughout time as well as what could’ve inspired French royalty tales told through them next time you play your deck will never look same again but still worth watching for talented magicians featured alone if nothing else and because even its concluding magic trick seems more concerned with being impressive than proving anything true or false about where it came from.
Watch Lost in the Shuffle For Free On Gomovies.