MOSES is a dramatized adaptation of the biblical text that tells the story of Moses, the Israelite exodus from Egypt, and their subsequent wandering in the wilderness.
The film begins with a Hebrew woman giving birth to a baby boy. Egyptian soldiers snatch the child from its mother’s arms and carry it to the bank of the Nile where they toss him into the river. A pregnant Hebrew woman, Jochebed (Hilda Braid), witnesses this event and when her son, Moses (Ben Kingsley), is born, she takes him and puts him in a basket which she sets afloat on the Nile in an effort to keep him safe from Pharaoh’s troops. The Pharaoh’s daughter (Angela Pleasence) finds the basket and rescues Moses, adopting him as her own son.
Raised as an Egyptian prince, Moses eventually learns he is Jewish and kills an Egyptian guard out of anger towards his people’s oppressors. Fearing for his life, he flees Egypt and ends up in Midian where he befriends Jethro (Frank Langella) and marries Jethro’s daughter, Zipporah (Anna Galiena). One day while tending sheep near Mount Sinai , Moses comes across a burning bush which speaks to him as God’s voice commands him to return to Egypt as His prophet sent deliverance for Israelites enslaved there.
Moses obeys God’s commands by going back home but when he tells Aaron what has happened Aaron does not believe what says about having been chosen by Yahweh Elohim himself personally appeared before those two brothers so many times previously without either them recognizing who spoke each time with them face-to-face through burning bushes since neither one could hear other talking outside tent wall while standing behind another nearby tree trunk even though both were looking directly at each other eye-to-eye right then there during daylight hours because it was afternoon when this conversation took place between these two siblings.
Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh and demand that he let the Israelites go. However, Pharaoh refuses to listen so God sends ten plagues upon Egypt which causes great suffering among Egyptians until finally their firstborn are killed by angel of death passing over land during night time while every Hebrew household has its doorpost smeared with blood from sacrificed lamb or goat as sign showing that Yahweh would spare all those inside such houses where this act had been performed according to His instructions given through Moses himself who received them directly from Him atop Mount Sinai after climbing up there alone without anyone else being present except for his brother Aaron.
Whom met part way along road leading towards it when they both saw each other approaching from opposite directions miles apart but at same moment due west north east south northwest southeast southwest northeast central position occupied by city walls surrounding entire region including whole area covered with thick forest growth bordering desert sand dunes about twenty miles wide on side closest sea while extending further inland another fifteen miles before gradually sloping upwards towards highest peak which rose above everything else known locally simply referred as “The mountain” because no one ever dared climb.
It since legend said whoever reached top would die instantly before even taking few steps back down again afterwards like others who tried before them but never succeeded because none had strong enough legs nor arms capable carrying heavy sack filled rocks tied each end together securely enough prevent rope breaking under strain caused weight exerted upon it during ascent made difficult due lack handholds available along steep rocky face leading summit located somewhere near midpoint between north south poles Earth’s rotation axis causing constant daylight hours throughout year except during winter solstice when sun disappears below horizon just long enough allow moonlight shine brightly across landscape even though normally too dimly seen otherwise.
While simultaneously creating permanent twilight zone directly beneath itself lasting several weeks either side equinoxes twice yearly occasioning equally mysterious phenomenon whereby shadows cast appear much shorter than usual despite presence light sources casting them further away having greater intensity compared normally expected situation under same lighting conditions prevailing at other times throughout year except during spring autumn equinox when shadows cast appear normal length due angle sun above horizon being same height directly overhead relative observer’s position closer towards poles regionally defined places experiencing this strange optical illusion effect include polarcircles regions situated between arctic and antarctic circles along latitudes greater than about sixty-six point five degrees north south respectively beyond which defined zones known globally as “Land Eternal Darkness” because sun does not rise nor set there ever again until another six months have passed by bringing either vernal autumnal equinoxes back around once more.
According to this year’s MOSES, however dull in some places with Ben Kingsley’s performance as Moses providing most of the energy needed to keep an audience engaged, it is a well-made movie. The film does not shy from showing historical violence in a tasteful manner such as during wars where many people died but it is also not overly graphic about these scenes either; still there are plenty deaths shown throughout so younger kids should stay away and older ones may be cautioned before watching MOSES. Even so, this is an encouraging production which sticks closely true to what the bible tells us about Moses.
Watch Moses For Free On Gomovies.