Once Saved Always Saved?
This is an incredibly well-done documentary on the Wesleyan Arminian view of conditional security, commonly referred to as “once saved, always saved” or eternal security in Calvinism. I swear my sermons “Don’t Lose Your Salvation!” and “Aspects of Biblical Holiness” were watched during the making of this movie because I said almost every word you did, just in different order. I agree with 95% of what’s being said here; my only desire is for people to listen up and take it seriously.
However, I would like to throw up a caution about what Wesley called “sinless perfection” (or ‘angelism’ as he often referred to it). Around Joe Schimmel says something that resonates with me:
We never attain God’s glory. It’s one thing to say, “You know what? I’m not exactly like Jesus yet. That breaks my heart. Help me love better and be more Christlike.” It’s another thing entirely to live rebelliously against God continuing in adultery or getting drunk or stealing or lying or hating people and not really repenting but saying “Sorry Lord” anyway and it’s not authentic repentance.
Repentance is turning away from sin and turning toward Jesus Christ in faith having a change of mind that leads to a change of life. I mean no longer pursuing those sinful pleasures down the broad road that leads straight into hell which Jesus Himself warned many are on but having a change of heart where you turn instead unto the Lord Jesus Christ who said He’s the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He’s the narrow road.
It is crucial that we reject all thoughts suggesting that repentance should be perfect or angelic. Repentance involves turning one’s whole heart against sin while embracing godly obedience based on His Word; shunning worldliness as well as fleshly desires that originate from Satan’s influence and rather focusing them towards Christ likeness to the best of our abilities. Nevertheless, we must always keep in mind that “the flesh lusts against the Spirit” (Galatians).
Hence, even though we are engaged in a Christian pilgrimage bearing full armour of God with sword (Ephesians 6), fighting sin remains an ongoing duty for soldiers marching under King Jesus’ banner. This implies spiritual warfare against the world system energized by evil supernatural beings which are opposed to everything godly; thus necessitating sober view on various manifestations and sources of wickedness.
Besides being aware that through Bible reading, worship and praying especially when dealing with addictions such as pornography, drugs(including tobacco) or alcoholism areas where human bodies have strong cravings some victories can be achieved over these sins originating from fleshliness; nevertheless it is necessary for us to adopt an attitude which recognizes that: “let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall down,” then when you fall down but instead say: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.
However, it would be incorrect to think that you can walk in Bible holiness too much or be too Holy Spirit minded to take heed of falling or need to confess and repent of sin in your life ever again. Nonsense! Such a notion goes against practically the whole theme of the Bible. This is from the Lord’s Prayer: “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us” (Matthew, NMB).
And it is sad that in this documentary, they make reference that because the Gnostics believed in sinful nature therefore it is false doctrine. “believed that our flesh was inherently corrupt” says David Bercot. If this were true then they were right about this one thing because Jesus agreed with them as did Apostle Paul on ‘the flesh lusteth against the Spirit’ (Galatians; ‘I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to sin which is’ (Romans); ‘out of heart come evil thoughts murder, adultery, sexual immorality,, theft false testimony slander these are what defile a person’ (Matthew). This last statement was said by Jesus himself.
The Bible, The Gospel and The Holy Spirit are God’s answer for all these problems created by our wicked flesh nature but it’s pure baloney to believe either that our flesh does not lust sinfully or we never have evil thoughts or feelings as born again spirit filled believers that so sanctify us where we don’t need spiritual warfare anymore repentance confession.
Watch Once Saved Always Saved? For Free On Gomovies.