Poseidon Rex
In the imaginative drama, Poseidon Rex, treasure hunters inadvertently unleashed Poseidon Rex directed by Mark L. Lester of Commando and Showdown In Little Tokyo which shames a good plot. Mark L. Lester is a hack who now seems determined to make a series of provoking films that easily embarrass even male drag queens.
We’re told that the storyline revolves around an ancient gold where a treasure hunter, forever pretending to look for Captain Cortez’s hidden treasure, unloosens what is presumably a prehistoric fish on an island nestled peacefully in the Caribbean. This is however not where the story ends. Even though most of the vestas are roaming around in search for reverse childhood, they are not limited to simply watching dances. They also try to collect gold, cease all the gangster who turns out to be after the main protagonist, and stop the anthropophagite from shredding them into little pieces.
On a low budget scale, Poseidon Rex doesn’t do anything new as all the story stereotypes as well as characters have been used in numerous movies. It is almost shameless in its pursuit to create history, not even in the pulled off murder sequences which nearly always feature a dinosaur biting down on regretfully painted CGI blood.
This is only one indication of the overall poor value for money of Poseidon Rex. There is probably nothing more annoying than the dinosaur graphics which look like they belong to an early PS2 game and are nowhere near the box design. Is it such a loss? Not really, as the creature design itself is quite impressive; it is like an exaggerated tribute to the T-Rex and Spinosaurus with fins that quite, in a strange way, look like feathers which line a carnivore dinosaur.
Another issue that comes with many creature features is the strange one witnessed in Poseidon Rex which is the inconsistency in the monster’s character such as the fact that it is able to take a barrage of high caliber bullets without flinching but gets stunned by a harpoon shot. An easy encounter with the coined flaws would be rectified by a witty plot but I beg to differ with some feed as this is not the case for the movie.
Considering that this is a story about Isla Culebra, which is quite a tranquil setting, this part of the narrative has no laughter at all. Everything is done in an unbelievably lazy manner including the horrendous song that is played and sung in the same monotonous way as the rest of the song.
To all expectations, Poseidon Rex has nothing to be proud of. There are actors who may also plead innocence as they made an effort to do so (considering how pathetic the script was) and there is also a scene where a baby dinosaur kills a few gangsters who were working in a lab which is quite entertaining in a funnily awful kind of way. But all said and done, it is an utter loss to devote 89 minutes on this film.
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