Sex-Positive Review

Theatre Company Entertainment Squad presents a show by Cherchez La Femme in affiliation with Outrageous Films. It was created and directed by Peter Woodward. Produced by Laura Singleterry and Ben Matheny. Edited by Jon Perry. Cinematographed by Kathleen Garcia.
Cast: Aaron Long, Katherine Ellis, Belle Eclair, Juliana DeStefano, Christian Menace, Ashton Leigh, Jeez Loueez, Tierney Malloy, Anthony del Negro and Peter Woodward.
A woman finds a new lease on life in this very raunchy and witty comedy from director Peter Woodward.
Virginia is new to New Orleans and things have not been going according to plan for her so far. What seemed like a date turned out to be a scam which led her to meet Jake. They seem to hit it off well enough that he invites Virginia back to his place for some relaxation time. She comes from a conservative household and upon realizing that Jake’s house is a polyamory commune becomes extremely uncomfortable with the situation wondering if she maybe shouldn’t come back again.
However, Virginia is jobless and has been evicted so she asks Candy if she could crash at the house for awhile when they meet. Candy agrees and soon finds herself exposed to an aspect of life she never knew existed before then; but with Jake as her guide into what turns out to be an open sexual world full of love affairs between different people within polyamory relationships there was no way anything else could have happened anyways right? As much as she is initially appalled by it all this does begin to change later on.
This wild raunchy comedy from writer-director Peter Woodward combines romantic comedy elements with 80s/90s style softcore adult films. It reminds one of Together (2000) directed Lukas Moodysson where you had eccentric characters living together in a commune style setting who were joined by someone new coming into their midst thus creating an atmosphere ripe for bonding within these eccentricities. However this adds sex and polyamory as well which brings some realism into play here because unlike many other movies dealing with such subject matters – this one doesn’t shy away from showing things how they really are.
Katherine Ellis does pretty good here as Virginia who comes across at times like she may be a bit conceited based on the fact that having grown up in very conservative religious environment wants nothing more than to get away from that upbringing altogether. This starts off with her waking up inside what she thinks is someone’s car but turns out being rental dealership guy’s vehicle instead and immediately regrets it. We see her go from discomfort to slowly opening throughout film.
Aaron Long excels in role Jake, charming guy that embraces but scared of commitment, becomes Virgina’s mentor through this world of polyamory and all other cast have their own unique quirks which makes sense given how much simulated romping nudity there is going on around them. Some actors go over-the-top every now & then while still showing genuine care towards fellow residents who practice multiple relationships at same time works well for movie; even writer-director himself makes an appearance during scene where takes club after romp gives his loves lifestyle explanation
Often described as obscene or just about pornographic, a sex-positive movie can best be explained as being more of an account about two characters searching for respite from their daily routines.
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