The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh is about the adventures of a Sumerian god-king who lived long ago. Much like the Bible, it is written on many different tablets. Along with being a semi-historical figure, he was also considered to be divine but only in some instances.
It follows ancient Mesopotamian myths where gods are thought of as nature personified or embodied. Among them are stories involving Fate and Death that act as foils for people against divinities; one even has a flood narrative with Utnapishtim the Distant and his wife, who were made gods. I think this means that they became ideas or myths like the deified Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh’s relationship with Enkidu is one of the oldest examples in literature of two tropes that are still common today: enemies-to-best friends and dead sidekicks who fuel protagonists’ quests.
‘…this plant is a plant of great fame [or change]; whatever man desires in his heart he will obtain. I shall take it to Uruk the strong walled, I will eat [plant] it there and let it grow big’; Its name shall be called: ‘Old men though old will become young again!’ I will eat [from] it and return to my youth.’
After defying all odds by coming back from the dead in order to save his friend, Gilgamesh eventually achieved what could have been seen as an impossible goal according to divine laws reuniting with him once more.
He overcame her sacred armies “that ruin men”, ignoring Ishtar’s love for him which offended many gods including Shamash who sided with her because she was more powerful than most other goddesses since she had control over both life & death among other things; so after defeating Ishtar’s mortal army too he went on searching for immortality bringing along Enkidu’s spirit up until Ishtar sends him the herb.
There is no doubt about it that this was a tale meant to give people hope when they feel like there’s none left. “‘Take good care of your dead.’ He is properly cared for who rests on a soft couch, and drinks pure water.”
The Epic of Gilgamesh tells us how objects become ideas through death, and which gods we should follow in life all deities are less than transcendent forms.
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