Time Bomb
Time Bomb revolves around six teenagers who are at school and go about their lives until they end up in the school caviar during a terrorist incident. They try to assist each other, but when they are hit with more attacks and realize one of their group is a co-patriot, it becomes a bit frantic for them.
This novel is very interesting in that one could finish it quite quickly which, cynical as it may sound, is to be expected given that the book describes a rather topical problem of school shootings and threats today. The first part of the book is basically Joelle Charbonneau voicing her chosen’s introduction and showing the reader the life of its three dimensional characters from their perspective. Elle believes it is necessary that the audience comprehends how every single character perceives the emotions and the issues. Hints of mystery surrounding who is behind the act of terrorism, the bomber, constantly keep the readers’ interest in the book.
It must be noted, however, that the characters are more or less cliché, and yet this only adds to the book as you never stop asking yourself who the person with such great issues was that they went and bombed a school. School shootings, this trauma caused by a threat looms large and having these wondering feelings, actually made the book great since it felt that the reader was always engaged with so many thought processes.
On a different note, it’s interesting to note how every character in the story battles with their own set of challenges and emotions, but these are quite relevant issues that most teenagers go through on a daily basis. This was fantastic since it’s good for the audience to realize those emotions and issues are normal and so other people experience them as well so it’s okay to discuss it. The book tackles complex ideas from beginning to end; suicide, coping with being an outcast, fighting, etc.
Time Bomb indeed concentrates on the daily lives and even activities like courtship. This sounds rather absurd considering who in their right mind would have such a concern while one is stuck in an exploded school but perhaps it is a reflection of the normal life of a high school student.
However, the rest of the book predictably seems, not so. Instead it is very compelling and occupies one’s mind with a number of questions which is a sure sign of a great book. As you read you know it was one person, but then he says or does one thing and suddenly you are thinking it must be someone else. Each and every chapter is full of interesting turns and one feels the adrenaline in the chapters. When things begin to settle down, all of a sudden they just become quite berserk again which makes the book very addictive.
Most of the chapters are short as six pages is the mean of page for a single chapter and even though extremely wide spread the format that some books follows can be very hectic and aggravating but it makes it even more compelling. The main reason for the short chapters is because they want to depict all the points of views to what these characters feel at that time. The short chapters also contribute to the quick easy read it is which it may be beneficial or detrimental for some, but it definitely gives the book a novice YA aura.
The book, however, is well-written. The reader is able to comprehend what’s going on and what the characters are going through which keeps the reader interested throughout. It is also noteworthy that the author incorporates some quotes at the end of some chapters providing background information that helps to explain what has just transpired and for those like me, books with quotes are to be rated highly.
On the contrary, however, there were some scenes that were rather challenging to depict in the mind’s eye. Still, this may only be this kind of scenario although at times, a line would be so out of context that you would take a moment and feel slightly bewildered.
To sum up, the book was great. Time Bomb was quite compelling, and will make readers have questions until the very end. It is a good combination of genres because it is a mystery, thriller and young adult and more all in one book. If you are looking for something that will keep surprising you with every turn of the page, then this is the book for you!
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