Wallbanger Review

There are a lot of Rom-Coms out there, and sometimes it can feel like we’re getting overran with them. They all follow the same formula and seem to end the same way. But every once in a while, we find one that makes us say, “Hmm, now this is something I haven’t seen before.” That’s how I felt watching Passionflix’s new release, Wallbanger.
Wallbanger, directed by Tosca Musk and based on the book by Alice Clayton, follows Caroline (Kelli Berglund), a single interior designer who moved into what seemed like the perfect apartment only to be woken up every night by her neighbor, Simon the “wallbanger,” (Amadeus Serafini) creating an unexpected, tension-filled connection. Now why did she call him “Wallbanger,” you might ask; well he gained this nickname because of Caroline herself since his umm..extracurricular activities are preventing her from getting any good sleep at night or peace so much to where it is literally banging against her wall where they connect.
Caroline has tried to get a good look at her neighbor but can only ever see him from behind as he says goodbye to what she calls his harem. To her he’s cutting into her rest and after a failed attempt at some self-love for herself one night she reaches her breaking point on sleep and shows up to his door step giving him a piece of it after then being known as “Pink nightie girl”, you already know Simons nickname. They run into each other again at a party held by her boss Jillian (Roselyn Sanchez) who used to live in the apartment before subletting it to Caroline where they have another heated exchange before sharing an unexpected steamy kiss which then causes them to make truce and stop fighting.
For most enemies-to-lovers tropes there is always the will they won’t they aspect. As Caroline and Simon spend more time around each other, they start to realize that they’re not so different. We see how quickly she misjudged him once she started getting to know him more and a little about the ladies he’s had over night. That was probably one of the most exciting things that I liked. Even though Simon had physical relationships with these women, it was still about connecting in some way. He wasn’t doing too much or being extra with his relationships. He seemed to care a lot about them and defended them to Caroline whenever he felt like she was saying something wrong about them.
Another thing I liked about Wallbanger is that Caroline and Simon didn’t just jump into a relationship as soon as they met each other. They built up to it. I loved seeing them be playful with one another because Berglund and Serafini have such great chemistry together on screen. Serafini is such a charmer as Simon but Berglund has this fire no holds barred personality with this charm that’s just out of this world for her character. They both played off of each other perfectly in both the cutesy moments and when they were getting into their little verbal spats back and forth with one another. Once Simon and Caroline decide to take their relationship up a notch, she goes with him on his photography job in Spain where there they get even closer finally sleeping together but it wasn’t the experience she thought it would be for Caroline unfortunately from there..
Caroline can’t find her “Big O” again. After a terrible one-night stand scared away her orgasm, she’s been struggling to bring it back. I thought for sure it would come back when she was with someone she wanted to be with, but that wasn’t the case. That was one of the things I liked about this book; Simon wasn’t the one who helped Caroline get her “big O” back, and that made it more real. It was twisty because usually in romance novels if a woman is having problems in that area of her life then there’s some new guy who magically “saves” her. Also re3ally glad they had an honest conversation about it and he was so understanding of what she needed from their physical relationship without making everything all about himself (Wallbanger).
Wallbanger is a feel-good Rom-Com that hits all the right beats (No pun intended). This movie has everything! We’ve got some unexpected matchmaking between Simon’s friends Sophia (Abbey May), Mimi (Cathy Ang), Neil (Cedrick Cooper), and Ryan (Colin Ford). There’s even mischief caused by Clive the cat; he really had me laughing out loud! But let me tell you, I was drooling at those baked goods seriously, where can I find myself some? And don’t even get me started on that cute little fantasy moment you’ll just have to watch it yourself 🙂 All in all though? Wallbanger did not disappoint! A must see for any lover of romantic comedies.
Watch Wallbanger For Free On Gomovies.