Director Solai Arumugam tells a good story in “Kaaduvetty,” through which he gives us food for thought about respect and women’s safety. However, the film deals with the issue of respect from caste and community angles thereby making its social commentary deeper still.
“Kaaduvetty” is at the bottom of a love affair between Dakshayini, a girl born to a folk dancer and Akilan who comes from another caste altogether. In his quest for Dakshayini, Akilan exposes what rural societies go through due to societal expectations. It might seem like it suggests that cities are more accepting towards inter caste relationships than their counterparts but this is not so as we later learn that politics also plays part in fueling these tensions within communities.
In order to subtly show different methods used by various leaders within communities when dealing with people from other castes falling in love with each other or Manipulative methods used on women to get into relationships with them ; Kaaduvetty employs well thought out narratives. The movie unveils this by highlighting some leaders’ habit of forcing women into relationships under false promises.
Another thing shown by the film is how parents are put under tremendous pressure to conform to society’s standards which often leads tragic ends for couples who dare cross these boundaries based on casteism While trying advocate for safety among girls especially those coming educationally disadvantaged areas such as villages; it (the movie) does not limit itself there because instead digs much deeper into society.
One standout performance came from Subramaniya Siva who played Rajamanickam perfectly well thus making his character believable enough throughout. Other notable performances include R K Suresh playing roles that portrayed benevolence while Aadukalam Murugadoss acted father hero hence enhancing overall acting quality among others.
The only problem with this picture could be its silent talkies nature coupled up with story-telling method applied during its execution which may pose challenges for some viewers but still; the message behind it all remains clear enough even without spoken words. “Kaaduvetty” makes us question what is considered normal within our communities vis-a-vis love in the face entrenched casteism.
Watch Kaaduvetty For Free On Gomovies.