Somu Sound Engineer
The intricacies of human behavior and the good-bad duality often depend on a person’s reactions to the trials and tribulations of life. Somu Sound Engineer by Abhi Basavraj, reflects this concept with one that says ‘A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret’.
It also shows how rarely does an articulate and patient person involve themselves in wrangles. These truths are reflected through Shrestha’s character, Somu who at first believes he can conquer everything with his ‘angry young man’ behavior. However, it takes him into self-realization and change. The question is; will this transformation eventually make him happy and acceptable?
The story subtly points out that society tends to reject people who have anger issues or are arrogant even though they might be good at heart. In a rural village in North Karnataka where it is set against this backdrop, Somu loses friends due to his brash demeanor despite being inherently good. But underneath the roughness lies an understanding father figure named Shankranna (Girish Jatti) who alone recognizes this fact.
These two represent opposite personalities –Somu frequently brings trouble into the village with his disruptive behavior but as he struggles with societal judgments about himself, one incident at some point acts as an eye opener for him towards life which then leads to lots more thinking deep inside followed by personal growing up experience.
We may wonder what Somu Sound Engineer title means as its relevance unfolds slowly within post-interval Somu himself. There is no denying Abhi’s work clearly speaks volumes on behalf of his mentor Director Suri. Though keeping realistic tone throughout showing Somu going through different places; still it drags things unnecessarily long too much so that you begin wondering when such twists shall come after having shown us what he goes through with anger initially.
But second half sees him transform fully alive while still nursing some regrets here and there after all those events. Shrestha’s performance is a clear illustration of the human emotional depth, which demands much from any actor playing such a role. Apart from being part of village narrative, Jahangir’s character as a bachelor does not have much connection with the story line.
The dialogues by Maasthi take center stage while rustic village outlook according to Charan Raj adds another layer but these never really affect the overall storyline in anyway whatsoever. What makes Somu Sound Engineer worth watching is Abhi’s sincerity in directing it coupled with Shrestha’s acting skills coming into play where through his journey one might find themselves drawn more towards sound and silence world also known as emotions speak louder than words because additionally film makes us think about what comes out when one is angry since it can either hinder or speed up personal development.
Watch Somu Sound Engineer For Free On Gomovies.