Witch (2024)


Witch Review Review

England, small town. 1575. Husband of Twyla and William is being falsely accused as a witch who will be executed if convicted so he sets off on a journey to save her life by proving her innocence. To rescue Twyla from death, William must find the real witch.

Movies about witches have been around since dark folklore gave birth to them, and the cinema has always loved a good witch film. Superstitions are fascinating; they’re like an intriguing flirtation with darkness and everything that it implies. This time Craig Hinde (Bella) and Marc Zammit (Homeless Ashes) take us to an English village in 1575 where something supernatural is terrorising the locals. Witch may not be perfect but it sure does tick all of those boxes – electrifying performances, stunning set designs and British folk horror at its best.

While the dark shadows hanging over their village are his primary concern, William also has to address threats closer to home in the form of Judge Hopkins (Daniel Jordan) and his right-hand man/local marshal (Fabrizio Santino), who aren’t afraid to bend or break any law that stands in their way. Neither character is particularly well-developed nor are they given much depth but introducing two wild card law enforcers was a clever move on behalf of screenwriters Hinde, Zammit and David Baboulene (Bella). Not only do they add another layer to what remains a very tight narrative that wonderfully combines fear, superstitions and impending doom at every turn but they also allow Jordan and Santino to showcase just how great actors they really are – you’ll see for yourselves when sparks start flying between these two! Hopkins’ cruelty practically leaps off the screen thanks largely due how sternly explosive Revolution X’s star Daniel can act whilst Hollyoaks alumni Fabrizio throws suave bad-assery all over this movie like confetti.

All members of the cast put in solid performances, especially Burton (Doctors) as the murderous Johanna who is quite literally off her rocker but it’s Marks and Spong who shine brightest. Help star Marks ensures that Twyla is emotionally vulnerable and robust throughout this feature – you can see the glimmer of hope (motherly love and determination) in her eyes even when facing death itself. She’s not going down without a fight! Her on-screen husband William, portrayed by A Song from the Dark actor Spong, has got to be one of most powerful characters I’ve seen this year. From start finish he never lets up on that raw emotional power which drives his every action and decision; whether it be saving wife’s life or avenging her death – we are with you all way man! These two really do keep us invested in their journey as couple which makes what happens next hurt even more…

Speaking about passion, Witch is a work created by many passionate people — on both sides of the camera. The stunning set designs serve to intensify the storyline’s sets while Jenny Anderson’s (Sequins) glorious costumes make every actor look like they truly live in this isolated gothic village. The melancholy but ominous score interestingly aligns itself with what is happening on screen too.

However visually striking it may be, Witch trips and falls just a little bit. It opens with the end, then flashes back four days earlier so you already know where it’s going as an audience member. Because of this the suspense level isn’t as high as it could have been especially when they’re introducing science fiction element(s) that need to be surprises or else spoil other parts of the story. Also the decision was made by filmmakers to shoot this movie completely digitally which means no matter how beautiful these scenes are there still lacks some authenticity from 16th century setting due modernizing effect brought about through digital look.

In general terms though not without its narrative/visual flaws; Witch is a good looking film acted solidly through and through that will no doubt delight fans of occult/gothic horror period pieces.

Watch Witch Review For Free On Gomovies.

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